The story began in 2013 when sisters, Kaitlyn Tufts and Lindsay Laws, opened Lucy Rose as a women’s clothing boutique in the heart of Uptown New Orleans. Lucy Rose Clothing & Accessories has everything from season must-haves to chic, classic pieces that everyone should have in their closet.  A year later in 2014, the sisters decided to expand the clothing store to include home and interiors.  Lucy Rose Home & Interiors offers furniture, lighting, wall art, home accessories, and gifts as well as interior design services.  Appropriately, the store got the name “Lucy Rose” from Lindsay, nicknamed “Lucy” and Kaitlyn’s middle name, “Rose”, which was given to her by her older sister.

Together Kaitlyn, a Fashion Merchandiser, and Lindsay, an Interior Designer, have a unique eye for both fashion and creativity. These two sisters have the perfect combination of trendy and classic styles, offering customers a unique experience. Lucy and Rose’s mission is to make each customer and their home look stunning.